FAQ Services

Advice and guidance

The Evadoc expert within KADOC for Protestant and Evangelical heritage is available for advice and assistance in relation to your archive.

What does consulting from Evadoc cost?

General consultations can usually be handled by mail or phone and are free of charge.
An initial counseling site visit is always free of charge. A fee is charged for more on-site counseling, based on travel expenses and time commitments. A cost estimate for this will be prepared in advance.

When is the Evadoc expert available?

Due to financial constraints, the counseling position is a part-time position for now. The counselor is generally available on Monday, Wednesdays, Thursdats and Fridays. If this would be an insurmountable obstacle, an alternative will be considered together.

Study days and workshops

What are you organizing?

Formation initiatives will be designed in collaboration with KADOC or other heritage partners where possible. In addition, customized formation is always possible. For this, you can either contact us via the comment form or via our email address.

An overview of previously organized study days and workshops can be found here.

When is the next study day or workshop?

An overview of future study days or workshops organized by Evadoc or in which Evadoc participates can be found in our calendar. Interesting training offerings from third parties are also announced here.

Internships and volunteering

Can I do an internship at Evadoc?

Yes, you can. If you are interested, please let us know via the contact form.

Can I become a volunteer at Evadoc?

Yes, you can. Some of the volunteer work must be done in our facilities at Leuven. But there are also opportunities to contribute from home to Evadoc’s mission of documenting and unlocking Protestant and Evangelical heritage in Flanders (in its Belgian and international context). If you are interested in this, please contact us using the contact form.


Can I bring in my old books, brochures, newspapers, posters, etc.?

We only include heritage that fits within our collection plan. If we cannot use the offered material, we are always willing to help find another repurposing. In short, if you possess material that you think would enrich our collection, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Can I deposit my/our archive with you?

We only include heritage that fits within our collection plan. If we cannot use the offered material, we are always willing to help find another repurposing. In short, if you possess material that you think would enrich our collection, please do not hesitate to contact us.

If we preserve the records, a contract will be drawn up that includes all the arrangements regarding the archive. If your archive or material fits better in another heritage institution, we will provide the necessary advice if required.

Typically, archives are given to Evadoc for safekeeping. Here, the creator remains the owner and thus decides whether or not to allow third parties to view the documents. If required, Evadoc can advise the owner on the decision.

Archives of organizations or churches that no longer exist are normally donated to Evadoc. This means that Evadoc decides on requests for access to documents from these archives.

Are there any costs associated with housing archives with Evadoc?

Preserving and making paper and digital archives accessible involves costs. These details will be thoroughly explained during mutual consultation.

How should I submit my (digital) archive?

General guidelines can be found here. The expert will advise and assist you in submitting the archive correctly.

What about privacy and sensitive information?

Many people are hesitant to provide pieces that contain personal or sensitive information. Yet this material is invaluable in the long run. Not only does this later provide an accurate understanding of history, but lessons can potentially be learned from that history. To guard the privacy of those involved, this material will be kept but not made accessible for the time being. It is only 75-100 years from the date that such records can be accessed. In this, too, the counselor can advise and assist you.