
The collection includes archives, books, magazines, brochures, posters, and audiovisual publications of Protestant-evangelical signature published in Flanders (Belgium) and/or relating to Protestant-Evangelical Flanders (Belgium).

Publications are freely accessible. For archives, special conditions of accessibility are laid down in a contract of deposit. As these are private law archives, the owner can decide how long the archive is ‘closed’, i.e. not consultable. Special attention is paid to a priori sensitive material. This ensures safe and controlled accessibility. Anyone wishing to consult and/or copy archive material can only do so after receiving express written permission from the person in charge. Depending on the agreement concluded, this is the owner himself or the non-profit organisation Evadoc.

The library materials can be found via Limo the central access to the various collections of the KU Leuven libraries or via the KADOC access (subcollection: Evadoc).
Part of the collection has been digitised and can be found through LIAS, the Leuven Integrated Archiving System.